The Partnership Marketing Company

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The trading system provides you access to wide variety of REITs, limited partnerships, and other non-traded securities available for purchase on the secondary market. You will receive personalized service while having the option of e-mailing or faxing your bids, or if you choose, calling your bids directly into a registered broker.

We have created a niché in the securities industry, providing buyers the ability to bid on non-traded securities on the secondary market.
  • D-Merc Services LLC acts as a broker obtaining bids from buyers for sellers of limited partnerships and non-traded REITs.
  • Client funds are deposited to an unaffiliated escrow account with Gold Star Bank for safe keeping.
  • Through the EDGAR system offered by the Securities and Exchange Commission, customers and investors have access to numerous filings.
  • Please read this material carefully before investing.
  • There are risks associated with purchasing alternative securities on the secondary market such as:
    • Redemption and other non-traded securities may be at more or less than the original amount invested.
    • Limited partnerships and other illiquid securities may be illiquid, unless sold on the secondary market.
  • Limited partnerships may not be suitable for all investors.
  • Partnership Marketing Company provides transfer processing services and sales through D-Merc Services, LLC.
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2822 Last Chance Ct.
Cool, CA 95614
(707) 824-8600
(888) 824-8600
FAX (707) 824-8680

The content contained within this website does not constitute an offer and/or sale of securities.
Securities offered through D-Merc Services LLC. Member FINRA./SIPC.
D-Merc Securities LLC and the Partnership Marketing Co. are unaffiliated Entities.

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